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来源:亿百体育注册登陆网址_好二三四 编辑:亿百体育注册登陆网址_好二三四 时间:2019-04-03


研究者John Schimenti表示,如果我们阐明了SNP是有害的,随后当病人进行基因组测序时就应该帮其确定哪些SNPs是应该存在的;如果我们知道哪些突变是好的,哪些是坏的,医生们就会进行一定的遗传诊断。当前鉴别引发疾病的SNPs的标准方法包括将健康个体和患病个体的基因组进行对比来缩小染色体位点,随后利用计算机算法来预测哪些SNPs是有害的,但由于不孕不育是一个涉及许多基因的非常复杂的过程,因此并没有方法可以确定引发不孕不育的基因。




The genetics of human infertility by functional interrogation of SNPs in mice

Priti Singh and John C. Schimenti1


Infertility is a prevalent health issue, affecting ∼15% of couples of childbearing age. Nearly one-half of idiopathic infertility cases are thought to have a genetic basis, but the underlying causes are largely unknown. Traditional methods for studying inheritance, such as genome-wide association studies and linkage analyses, have been confounded by the genetic and phenotypic complexity of reproductive processes. Here we describe an association- and linkage-free approach to identify segregating infertility alleles, in which CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is used to model putatively deleterious nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) in the mouse orthologs of fertility genes. Mice bearing “humanized” alleles of four essential meiosis genes, each predicted to be deleterious by most of the commonly used algorithms for analyzing functional SNP consequences, were examined for fertility and reproductive defects. Only a Cdk2 allele mimicking SNP rs3087335, which alters an inhibitory WEE1 protein kinase phosphorylation site, caused infertility and revealed a novel function in regulating spermatogonial stem cell maintenance. Our data indicate that segregating infertility alleles exist in human populations. Furthermore, whereas computational prediction of SNP effects is useful for identifying candidate causal mutations for diverse diseases, this study underscores the need for in vivo functional evaluation of physiological consequences. This approach can revolutionize personalized reproductive genetics by establishing a permanent reference of benign vs. infertile alleles.


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